Getting Married in Bushbury

Hopefully all your preparations go well and we will meet you soon.

We are fortunate to have two clergy in the parish, either of whom could conduct your service.

The law of the land requires us to work to certain guidelines. If either of you were born abroad there are some other formalities that we must go through and if either of you have been divorced the parish clergy have a right of conscience to decide if they wish to conduct a service for you. 

A new Marriage Measure from Parliament came into force on 1 October 2008. Previously the only entitlement to marry in parish was if one or both of the couple live in the parish or are on the electoral roll.

The new Measure allows people who have a ‘qualifying connection’ with a church but are not resident in the parish or on the electoral roll to marry in that church. It clears up the grey area where people had grown up in a parish but moved away for work or study and wished to come back to the parish to marry.  Responsibility for proving the connection lies with the couple.

There is a ‘qualifying connection’ if a person can show any of the following:

  • Baptism in the parish
  • ​Confirmation entered in the church register  
  • Has at any time had his/her usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months   
  • A parent of that person has at any time during that person’s lifetime had his/her usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months 
  • A parent of that person has at any time during that person’s lifetime habitually attended public worship in the parish for at least 6 months
  • ​A parent or grandparent of that person was married in the parish
​Calling the Banns

Banns must be published.  They are a public notice given in church that a marriage is planned and they must be said in Bushbury and in the parish or parishes where each of the couple live.  A certificate of due publication of banns in each parish must be produced to the member of the clergy who is to solemnise the marriage.